Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Lovely Randoms

Pictures I took last year and perhaps even the year before.
This is Cotton. The loveliest cat around who I had to surrender to Paws once I had nursed him back to health after finding him in a drain, drenched and semi-paralysed.

This is George. The loveliest Greek fisherman around. (I only know one of his kind =)
The loveliest model around. It posed for me for about 5 minutes!
The loveliest mother cat around. With her very cute kitten.
Don't know what kinda lovely this falls under, but I'm very proud of this photo.
Ah, got it! Loveliest birthday ever...spent taking pictures of what you see below.
As you can tell, I ran out of inspiration. The pictures above are not necessarrily "lovely" in terms of technic or subject but they do bring back very lovely memories. Pictures speak a thousand words? Truer words were never spoken.

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